(Created 2018)
(Download here: PWSA constitution by-laws)
The name of this organization shall be PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING STUDIES ASSOCIATION, heretofore referred to as the Association.
ARTICLE II Purposes and Rationale
The overall purposes of this Association shall be:
- to unite individuals from different areas related to professional wrestling (such as scholars, professionals, and fans) who are interested in the critical and learned appraisal of any aspect of professional wrestling;
- to gather from all relevant fields of study, and to disseminate among its members, current knowledge of professional wrestling, broadly construed;
- to identify new areas within the subject of professional wrestling in which research is especially needed, and to stimulate such research;
- to encourage experimentation in the teaching of professional wrestling as art form, cultural form, business practice, social commentary, and any other relevant subject;
- to facilitate professional cooperation among its members;
- to sponsor the publication of such materials dealing with professional wrestling;
- and to organize meetings at which members may exchange findings and ideas.
These are the exclusive purposes of the Association and they shall be accomplished by the Association only in a fair and just manner.
ARTICLE III Membership
Membership in the Association is categorized as involving one or more of the following categories:
- Officer, serves as members of the Executive Committee, elected by the Membership (see Article IV, “Officers” below);
- Editor, oversees an aspect of the organization’s Publications (both Journal and Website/Blog; see Article V, “Publications” below);
- Contributor, provides content to Website/Blog (see Article V, “Publications” below), and remains at this level of membership for three months after the publication date of their last contribution;
- Member, agrees to receive the mailing list after providing basic contact information (see Article III, Section 4, “Privacy” below), and remains at this level of membership until becoming more actively involved in the Website/Blog, Journal and/or Executive Committee.
Any Association member may exist in more than one category based on their activities in relation to the Association at any given time. The base level [“Member’] of participation in the Association requires subscription to the mailing list, until they notify the Membership Officer and Treasurer of their desire to be removed from the list (see Article III, Section 4, “Privacy” below).
Membership is open to any individual from any academic institution in the world, as well as any individual not affiliated with any academic institution, which can include, but is not limited to, journalists, professional wrestlers, and pro-wrestling fans.
Current Fees
At the time of the Creation of this Constitution for this Association, no Membership Dues are required to be a Member.
Membership Dues are set by a vote of a simple majority of the Executive Committee. Membership Dues for an upcoming year must be published via the Association’s Website three months before they are scheduled to be collected.
Principles Guiding Membership Dues
Should the Association develop a yearly conference and business meeting (see Conferences below), then Membership would be related to the conference through physical or virtual participation, which may require yearly Membership Dues. Such a determination to change Membership requirements will be made at that future per the Process outlined above, with the initial vote for instituting Membership Dues requiring a vote to amend this constitution per Article IX below.
Any discussion on Membership Dues will include consideration for a fee schedule that would account for differences between full-time tenure-track faculty, full-time non-tenure track faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and independent scholars (including professionals and fans).
The membership year of the PWSA shall begin January 1 of the year for the purposes of record keeping and calculation of dues, if applicable. Memberships are effective immediately upon completing the necessary requirements for membership and last until the end of the calendar year.
The Association collects personal data via the mailing list solely for the purposes of communicating Association business to all Members. The Association will not disclose personal information to the public with the exception of professional-academic information. The user can access or rectify data or be removed from the mailing list by simple request to the Membership Officer and Treasurer (see below).
ARTICLE IV Officers, Nominations, Duties
The Officers of this Association shall be:
- Immediate Past President
- President
- Vice President and President Elect
- Chief Journal Editor (see Article V)
- Chief Website/Blog Editor (see Article V)
- Membership Officer and Treasurer
- Student Representative
- Non-Academic Representative
- Member-At-Large
Together, these officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
The President:
The President shall be the representative of this Association. The President shall preside at meetings of the general membership of the Association and the Executive Committee. The President shall sign for the Association all formal instruments and agreements and make an annual report of the affairs of the Association to the membership no less than once per year. The President shall be responsible for making all appointments of individuals to committee positions (including committee chairs) or as representatives to other scientific or learned societies that are expected to become vacant during the year following the President’s term of office or that become vacant unexpectedly during the President’s term of office.
The Vice President and President Elect
The Vice President and President-Elect shall assist the President in discharging the duties of that office in a manner specified by the President. At the option of the President, this assistance would include, but not be limited to, assisting with organizing meetings and panels at other meetings during the following year. In the temporary absence or disability of the President, the Vice President and President-Elect shall discharge the duties and exercise the powers of the President.
The Membership Officer and Treasurer
The Membership Officer and Treasurer shall manage membership and mailing-list, and have the custody of the funds of the Association and shall also have charge of disbursement of its money. The Membership Officer and Treasurer shall deposit the funds of the Association in such bank or trust company as may from time to time be designated by the Executive Committee, or may invest part of the funds as approved by the Executive. These financial responsibilities may be delegated to a business manager or other person, as designated by the Executive Committee.
Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President is charged with the duty of assisting and advising the President on matters dealing with policy and procedures. The Immediate Past President serves as an advisor and consultant to the President and as the Chair of the Nominating Committee and performs other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee. The term of the Immediate Past President begins on the first day of the calendar year immediately following his/her term as President.
Student Representative
The Student Representative serves as the voice for Association Members who are undergraduate or graduate students at their academic institutions. The Student Representative operates to ensure that such Members’ needs are addressed by the Executive Committee. Only undergraduate or graduate students may vote for this officer.
Non-Academic Representative
The Non-Academic Representative serves as the voice for Association Members who are not members of an academic institution. Such Members may be professionals within or related to professional wrestling or may be fans of professional wrestling. The Non-Academic Representative operates to ensure that such Members’ needs are addressed by the Executive Committee. Neither a faculty member nor a student may vote for this officer.
The Member-At-Large serves as an additional voice to provide perspective for all Members. Any Member can be elected Member-At-Large. The Member-At-Large works with the Immediate Past President to supervise the elections of the Officers.
All members of the Executive Committee [“Officers”] must be Members of the Association in good standing. Preference is given to members with faculty appointments and access to university resources. Members are considered to have faculty appointments if they are tenure-track or otherwise contractually related to an academic institution (e.g. visiting, lecturer, instructor, adjunct, post-doc, etc.). A Student Representative may be a graduate or upper-level undergraduate student, and a Non-Academic Representative should be neither a faculty member nor a student. A Student Representative may retain their post going from undergraduate to graduate status.
The role of Vice President and President-Elect requires special expertise and carries special responsibilities inherent in the office. Therefore, the Vice President and President-Elect shall be appointed from among current or former members of the Executive Committee.
Process of Election
In the Spring of a year in which an election is to be held, a subcommittee of the Executive Committee, called The Nominating Committee, composed of the Immediate Past President, a member of the Executive Committee, and a Member-at-Large, shall nominate a slate of members of the Board for the officers. Ratification of the nominated Executive Committee member is constituted by securing a majority of votes from the Executive Committee.
Members may self-nominate or be nominated by another Member. Elections for Officers will be held in the Fall of that year in which an election is to be held.
Officers may run again for the same or different position on the Executive Committee. Officers will need to participate in the Nomination and Election process.
Therefore, the following Officer positions will be eligible for nominations:
- Vice President and President Elect
- Chief Journal Editor (see Article V)
- Chief Website/Blog Editor (see Article V)
- Membership Officer and Treasurer
- Student Representative
- Non-Academic Representative
- Member-At-Large
This process shall be followed for each election after the Association’s first election, during which special election procedures will be in place to nominate and elect all positions including President.
Length of Term
All Officers shall begin in their position on January 1 after the year of their election.
The office of the Vice President and President Elect begins a succession for a total of six years of service to the Association. The President Elect shall succeed to the office of President. The Immediate Past President, President, and President Elect shall all hold such positions for two years.
The Membership Officer and Treasurer, Non-Academic Representative, and Member-At-Large all hold such positions for three years. The Student Representative will hold the position for two years.
Should an officer position remain unfilled during an election year, the Executive Committee can nominate an acting officer to fill that role until the next election year. Such a nomination requires a 2/3rds majority vote from Executive Committee officers to approve.
Should an officer fail to repeatedly enact the requirements of their position, then the Executive Committee may vote to proceed to remove that officer from their position. Such a removal requires a 2/3rds majority vote from Executive Committee officers to approve. The Executive Committee can then proceed to fill that position, per the Vacancies procedure outlined above.
ARTICLE V Publications
The Association maintains two publications: A Journal and a Website with blog (Website/Blog).
The Editorial Board consists of the following:
- a) Chief Journal Editor, solicits and oversees submissions for Journal (see below);
- b) Chief Website/Blog Editor, solicits and oversees submissions for Website/Blog(see below);
- c) Managing Editor, reviews copyediting and publishing for Website/Blog and Journal (see below);
- d) Reviews Editor, coordinates and oversees review submissions for Website/Blog and Journal
- e) 8-10 Editors, advise the Chief Editors and participate in peer reviews for submissions.
The contact information for the Chief Editors, Managing Editor, and Reviews Editor will be made available via the Website/Blog.
The PWSA style guides for the Journal and Website/Blog are maintained by the Chief Editors in consultation with the Editorial Board and are subject to change.
The Chief Editors shall be nominated from among current or former members of the Editorial Board.
Chief Editors may run again for the same or different position on the Executive Committee. Chief Editors will need to participate in the Nomination and Election process.
Managing Editor, Reviews Editor, and Editors will be selected from volunteers by the Chief Editors.
All Members are eligible to serve as Editors should their qualifications be acceptable to the Chief Editors; such qualifications are subject to Executive Committee scrutiny should any questions about those qualifications arise.
Process of Constituting the Editorial Board
Chief Editors
The Nominating Committee (see above), composed of the Immediate Past President, a member of the Executive Committee, and the Member-at-Large, shall handle the nomination and election of a current or former member of the Editorial Board for the offices of the Chief Editors. Both Chief Editors positions could be held by the same Member. Only the Chief Editors are elected as they serve on the Executive Committee.
Managing Editor and Reviews Editor
Managing Editor and Reviews Editor are appointed by the Chief Editors in consultation with the Editorial Board. Such a nomination requires a 2/3rds majority vote from the Editorial Board to approve.
Editors volunteer their expertise in their given field to guide the publications on the Website/Blog and Journal. Editors serve as peer reviewers for the Journal (see below). Editors advise the Chief Editors to determine special sections for the Website/Blog and special issues for the Journal.
Length of Term
Chief Editors shall all hold their positions for three years, beginning on January 1 after their election. Chief Editors will then seek nominees from the Editors for Managing Editor and Reviews Editor. The Editorial Board will begin operations of July 1 of that year.
Managing Editor and Reviews Editor serve at their discretion, and may retire from the position at a time of their choosing. At which point, the current Chief Editors again seek nominees from the Editors.
Editors serve at their discretion, and may retire from the position at a time of their choosing. At which point, the current Chief Editors again seek for volunteers from among the Members.
Should a Chief Editor position remain unfilled during an election year, the Executive Committee can nominate an acting editor to fill that role until the next election year. Such a nomination requires a 2/3rds majority vote from Executive Committee officers to approve.
The Chief Editors must consult with the Editorial Board until both Managing and Reviews Editor positions are filled. If this does not happen by the July 1 start day, then the Chief Editors may appoint a Member who is not on the Editorial Board to that position as an acting editor. Such a nomination requires a 2/3rds majority vote from the Editorial Board to approve.
Should a Chief editor fail to repeatedly enact the requirements of their position, then the Executive Committee may vote to proceed to remove that officer from their position. Such a removal requires a 2/3rds majority vote from Executive Committee officers to approve. The Executive Committee can then proceed to fill that position, per the Vacancies procedure outlined above.
Should a Managing Editor, Reviews Editor, or Editor fail to repeatedly enact the requirements of their position, then the Editorial Board may vote to proceed to remove that officer from their position. Such a removal requires a 2/3rds majority vote from the Editorial Board to approve. The Editorial Board can then proceed to fill that position, per the Vacancies procedure outlined above.
The Association will oversee the production and distribution of an Website/Blog that would provide for both academic and non-academic publications, to be overseen by the Chief Website/Blog Editor (as described above).
The Association’s Website/Blog will be used:
- to provide an overview of the Association’s nature and history;
- to help organize scholarship, writing, and curricular material on professional wrestling from all relevant fields;
- to showcase multimedia productions of pro-wrestling reviews, scholarship, and criticism;
- and to provide space for experimentations in production, publication, and distribution of pro-wrestling reviews, scholarship, and criticism.
The Association will oversee the production, publication, and distribution of an online, open-access journal, titled the Professional Wrestling Studies Journal, to be overseen by the Chief Journal Editor (as described above), and to be published April 1 of each year via the Association’s website. The journal will consist of professional wrestling scholarship, reviews, and interviews.
ARTICLE VI Conferences
Potential conferences and business meetings would be organized by the Executive Committee, as to be determined, to coincide with the publication of the yearly Journal (see above).
ARTICLE VII Temporary Working Groups and Committees
Various committees shall be elected or appointed for specific assignments as the Executive Council deems appropriate, and any Member in good standing can volunteer to work for that committee.
ARTICLE VIII Codes of Ethical Conduct
Every member of the Association needs to abide by the Association’s Ethical Codes of Conduct, as follows:
- No publication of materials that do not abide by standard academic integrity and beneficence principles regarding plagiarism and treatment of human subjects.
- All interactions between Members, regardless of position within the Association, should abide by principles of mutual respect for all Members and should not display any intolerance or harassment on the basis of identities and sociocultural positions.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Association shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of the Association. In particular, the Association shall not attempt to influence legislation or participate to any extent in a political campaign for or against any candidate for public office.
Repeated failure to abide by the Association’s Ethical Codes of Conduct could result in dismissal from the Association. Determination of how to handle violations lies with the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE IX Amendments and Revisions
Amendments to, or other changes in, these Bylaws may be initiated in any of the following ways:
(a) The Executive Committee may formulate proposals for amendment of these Bylaws and submit them, with any arguments it chooses, to all Editors, Contributors, Members for vote.
(b) The President may appoint a committee to consider revising the Bylaws in general or in particular, and subsequently submit to the membership of the Association the committee report, together with recommendations of the Executive Committee for or against the proposals.
(c) Any Editor, Contributor, Member of the Association may submit to the Executive Committee a proposed amendment or amendments in writing and signed by the sponsors. The Executive Committee shall then submit the proposed amendment(s) with any arguments advanced by its sponsors, and with the Executive Committee’s recommendation for or against the proposed change, to the members of the Association for action.
Amendments or revisions to this document must be considered formally by the Editors, Contributors, Members of the Association as follows:
(1) The Vice-President shall send the proposed changes with explanations and arguments, a ballot, and a request for a mail or electronic vote to all Editors, Contributors, Members.
(2) An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the ballots returned shall be required for acceptance of the amendment(s).
(3) The results of the vote shall be reported to the membership following the vote.
Unless otherwise specified, an amendment approved by the Editors, Contributors, Members becomes effective on the date selected by official action of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE X Parliamentary Authority
In the absence of any provision to the contrary in these Bylaws, all business meetings of the Association and its various components shall be governed by the parliamentary rules and usages contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.