One of the goals of the Professional Wrestling Studies Association is to provide a place for academics, fans, and professionals to publish their work discussing, analyzing, and critiquing any aspect of professional wrestling.
Currently, these aspects include:
- Historical Studies
- Reception and Fan Studies
- Performance Studies
- Political-Economic Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Rhetorical Studies
- Course Materials
- Presentations
The curated content linked to from the above pages may be either finished products or works-in-process. Finished products have been peer-reviewed before publication. Works-in-process appear on the blog and welcome comments for peer-editing purposes to help the author(s) finalize the work and prepare it for publication.
All curated content is open-access and free of charge to the public. All intellectual property and copyrights are held by the author(s); the PWSA only seeks to provide the author(s) with the method by which to share their works.