WrestlePosium III
April 9, 2022
8:00 am – 4:00 pm CDT
Registration Open Now!
Opening Sessions
8-8:15: Introductions to the Executive Committee and WrestlePosium III
8:20-8:55: Lowery Woodall, Incoming PWSA President, Presenting PWSA Goals for 2022 and Beyond
Academic Presentations
9:00-9:25: Jessica Fontaine, “Some Thoughts on the ‘Business That We Love’: Affect, Work, and Kayfabe in Professional Wrestling”
9:30-9:55: Ryan Cox, “Maybe They Mean Glasgow Avenue in Winnipeg: Understanding the Canadian as foreign heel”
10:00-10:25: Gareth Davies, “Very Nice, Very Vlogs: A study in how vlogging aids in developing wrestling characters and narratives”
10:30-10:55: Argyrios Emmanouloudis, “When Worlds Collide: The Crossroads of Pro Wrestling and Fighting Video Games”
Professionals Roundtables
11:00-11:40: Critiquing Matches, featuring Alan Counihan, Tyler McDowell-Blanken, and Phil Schneider
11:45-12:15: Roundtable Debate: What Is a Professional Wrestler, Anyway?
Lunch Break: 12:15-12:55
Academic Keynote
1:00-1:55: Claire Warden, “Crafting the Callous: Analysing the bumps and bruises of British independent wrestling”
Creative Presentations
2:00-2:25: J. Rocky Colavito, “Thriving During the Pandemic Through Fiction: A reading of ‘La Mitra de Sangre Negro'”
2:30-2:55: CarrieLynn D. Reinhard, “Card Warriors Wrestling: Designing a card/board game to remediate the professional wrestling match”
Professional Keynote
3:00-4:00: Michael Kingston, Headlocked Comics, ““From Gorgeous George to Danhausen: Constructing a Successful Wrestling Persona”