
These presentations represent work by PWSA contributors as they lecture, present emerging scholarship, and offer commentary on wrestling-related media.

While we encourage you to enjoy and work with these ideas, remember these may be works-in-process. Please check with the contributors to see if further developments, including publication, has occurred.

Visit the PWSA YouTube page for all our video submissions, including live presentations.

The Ultimate Warrior: WWE’s Rhetorical Revision of Collective Memory through Transmedia Storytelling

Christopher A. MedjeskyPopular Culture/American Culture Studies Association: March 29, 2018


What It Takes to Become a WWE Diva

Kathie Kallevig – Midwest Popular Culture/American Culture Studies Association: November 17,2017


“Changing Its Trunks and Boots for Ties and Suits”: A Case Study of How the WWE Changed with the Times for Corporate Social Responsibility

Jack V. Karlis – Midwest Popular Culture/American Culture Studies Association: November 17,2017
