Before Shoot Interviews: Sam DeCero (part 1)

Sam DeCero

Sam DeCero is the founder and promoter of Windy City Wrestling, a Chicago-based wresting promotion. His office, where this 1991 interview took place, was decorated with posters from his wrestling tours of Japan, publicity stills of wrestlers who work for him, and a large television. A wrestling ring was right outside the office, where trainees … Read more Before Shoot Interviews: Sam DeCero (part 1)

Before Shoot Interviews: “Pretty Boy” Larry Sharpe

Larry Sharpe cutting a promo at the camera

After badgering Larry Sharpe for an interview at a 1991 wrestling fan convention outside of New York City, the “Pretty Boy” allowed me to follow him to his hotel room.  As we got to the hotel room door, Sharpe, who had recently wrestled his retirement match, muttered, “If you want this damn interview, it’ll have … Read more Before Shoot Interviews: “Pretty Boy” Larry Sharpe

Before Shoot Interviews: Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett struts in white suit

After an hour of pestering the promoter of Memphis’s United States Wrestling Association (USWA) at a 1992 show, the promoter brought out one of the promotion’s top good guys (or “faces”), Jeff Jarrett, to talk to me. Sporting a mane of shiny blond hair and a friendly demeanor, Jarrett patiently described his wrestling career before … Read more Before Shoot Interviews: Jeff Jarrett

Call for Presentations

Calls for MPCA/ACA 2019: Wrestling Studies Division. Deadline: May 15, 2019 With so much to talk about in professional wrestling right now, we’re looking forward to papers that cover a range of topics: from women’s wrestling in WWE to All Elite Wrestling to Southern style wrasslin’, we welcome any submission on any topic. In particular, … Read more Call for Presentations